Minute Burger’s Social Media is a Millennials Paradise

Home Case Study Minute Burger’s Social Media is a Millennials Paradise

From KFC to Starbucks, Razer, and others – the examples of brands using pop culture to reach audiences on social media are endless.

Each of these brands are targeting a specific demographic. Some are focused on the millennials, while others are trying to attract the attention of Gen Z’ers.

But hardly have we seen a social marketing strategy more granular than Minute Burger. A burger joint located in the Philippines; the company’s social media handle has a massive organic reach.

Here’s an excerpt of one of their social media posts.

You might already have an idea of what we’ll be talking about in this post. To give you a run-down, minute burger demonstrates how a good organic social media marketing strategy can be used effectively to target Millennial’s, Gen Z’ers, and in extension, anyone who enjoys a good meme now and again.

So. Let’s start.

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Pop-culture: How Minute Burger Utilizes Anime and TV-Shows to Their Advantage

At this point, you might already be familiar with streaming services. Companies like Netflix, Disney+ and Amazon Prime are constantly creating TV shows and movies that have created near cult-like fanbases.

Shows like Money Heist, Invincible, and many others have garnered significant praise from audiences. At the same time, many companies have utilized their trending status in their marketing messages.

Minute burger is no exception to that. Of course, their target market is the Philippines, where they’re located, but they reach an ever-wider audience because they focus on the trends.

This is primarily due to the number of organic shares they get on social media groups and pages.

Let’s take another example. Recently, the WWE superstar CM Punk returned after seven years. This caused massive hype for wrestling fans all over the world. Minute burger capitalized on that and made the following social media post:

Of course, with this post, they did their own branding as well. This garnered over 6K reactions and 2K shares. There are countless examples of Minute Burger using trends for their branding.

Minute Burger’s Substrata: Anime

While Minute Burger might focus on popular trends on Twitter, their real success lies in the substrata that they target: Anime fans.

For those of you who don’t know, Anime is essentially a Japanese style of animation popular in almost every corner of the world.

As it stands, its popularity in the Philippines is plenty as well. It’s due to this that they’d managed to gain such a wide-ranging audience.

Let’s look at several examples of how they’ve used the medium and its popularity to their branding advantage.

A famous Anime, titled Attack on Titan entered its fourth season. In Anime circles, it was hyped up beyond recognition. For their part, Minute Burger took full advantage of that situation.

On their social media post, they changed the words “Attack on Titan” to “Attack of Hunger” and showed the characters in the series like this:

Similar to their non-anime references, there are plenty of references with anime-styled themes.

Now, all of this is just to show you how minute burger uses its social media.

Now to the more important questions.

New call-to-action

Does their SMM Strategy Work?

From what we’ve already shown you, the strategy works for Minute Burger. They can target the people they intend to target. Perhaps even more so.

We did some math, and five of their recent Facebook posts accumulated a total of 3.2k shares on Facebook.

Because of the comedic, and meme-esque nature of their posts, they can garner more shares than the usual burger joint that simply posts their offerings.

The reshares on Facebook lead their posts to niche-specific Facebook groups which are then reshared even more so. It’s those shares that gave us wind of this company in the first place.

What’s The Point of All This Branding?

For any business, whether it be an eCommerce store or a restaurant, social media branding is extremely important.

It lets you stay in the know of everything that’s going on. When you contribute regularly as a brand, your social handles get noticed and people start to get aware of you more often.

For Minute Burger, that constant reinforcement works. Next time someone goes out to buy a burger, or out with friends looking for something to eat, they’ll think of Minute Burger.

This is what effective branding and a solid customer engagement strategy eventually leads down to.

Cementing your ideas in the minds of consumers is an art in and of itself. There are many ways you can go about it. For their own business, Minute Burger’s strategy works wonders for them.

There are so many ways you can go about marketing on social media. Recently, we’ve seen a rise in paid marketing practices.

Companies with bigger budgets don’t want to invest in the slow process. So, they decide to go for the paid marketing option.

It works too since they can get leads quickly without having to worry about committing to long-term marketing goals. The drawback to this is that you’d be selling products and services as a company rather than a named brand.

But that can be overcome with a good branding strategy, combined with a paid one.

On the other end, you have pure organic marketing, the kind which Minute Burger does. When done right, it can lead to long-term branding that can prove vital to a business.

However, if you’re a brand operating in a dry industry, it can prove very difficult to reach a broader audience.

At the end of the day, you could try the Minute Burger strategy but if your industry and target audience are not suited to that, then it’s better off to change your strategy.

However, if your target audience is the same as minute burger (Gen Z’ers and Millennials) then using the Minute Burger strategy can prove vital.


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