Bootstrapping is an approach where entrepreneurs use their own resources and rely on revenue generated by the business to grow. 

What is Bootstrapping? 

Bootstrapping is when an entrepreneur starts a company with little capital — but enough to sustain the business processes for at least 12 months until the company reaches stability. The capital invested in bootstrapping is typically personal savings (or loans from a friend or a family) or from the operating revenue from the company and it continues to grow without external investment. 

Should I Consider Bootstrapping My Business? 

Bootstrapping isn’t perfect for every new business. There are numerous different kinds of capital funding, and you’ll need to weigh the pros and cons of bootstrapping to determine if this self-financing path is right to achieve your goals. 


  • Full Ownership

With Bootstrapping you don’t have to dilute ownership of your company. When you bootstrap, you and your co-founders are the sole owners of the company, until decided otherwise. Doing so, your team will share 100% of the profits. 

  • Greater control

Without having investors to keep happy, you have the control to take your company in the direction you like — maybe trying a different product design or shifting your business model can make more profits — you don’t have to worry about getting a go-ahead from anyone else. This control allows you to focus more on building a strong foundation for your business without worrying about making errors, which could help you develop more sustainable growth. 

  • Limited debt. 

Bootstrapping companies may open on a credit card to build business credit or make one-time purchases, but they never have to depend on outside funding to move operations along. Most of the load you have accrued will be paid off promptly, so you don’t have to worry about owing a massive load if things don’t work out as planned. 


  • Financial risks

Bootstrapping means putting the money directly into the company. When your business takes a hit, whether due to lack of sales or an unexpected expense, it will impact you directly. Although self-funded businesses don’t have to worry about debt, they are at a higher risk for stagnant cash flow or running out of money altogether. 

  • Less credibility 

Without backing from an established investor, it can be harder to build connections to build a brand, prototypes, and more. Developing a customer base without funding, guidance, or introductions from someone who understands the industry and startup landscape well, can be difficult. 

  • Slower growth 

Bootstrapped companies often go through slow and steady growth. With limited funding, you probably focus on building a minimum viable product or keeping your business operation afloat. You won’t have enough to invest in social media or other marketing channels to generate interest. 

At the same time, you may not want to generate too much interest when bootstrapping. With a low budget and too much demand for the product, you may not be able to keep up. here, keeping the business slow may be the safest option. 

How to Manage Cash Flow While Bootstrapping? 

Proper cash management is crucial for bootstrapping startups and businesses. Here are a few tips to save money while being bootstrapped. 

  • Leveraging advanced technology tools to streamline accounting procedures and gain insights into their financials with built-in analytics. 
  • Support and equip their employees with the best tools to contribute to the company’s growth. 
  • Leverage data analytics to identify financial waste and potential opportunities for monthly savings. Ensure an understanding of spending patterns to help manage cash flow.